Resep Mudah Memasak Chicken wings cola Sedap

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Chicken wings cola. Braised Coca-Cola Chicken wings is one of the most popular dishes in China. It combines Chinese style braising and Coca-Cola to create juicy and savory BBQ style wings. Think of these Coca Cola Chicken Wings as a once-in-a-while treat-kind of like fried chicken or hotdogs.

Chicken wings cola My favorite coca cola chicken wings ! coca cola, one of my favorite drinks, I do not remember whey coca cola becomes a sauce of cooking meat in China but the fact is that Coca Cola is quite popular in. Coca-cola is a good ingredient to cook with when you are making a meal with chicken wings. With a combination of soy sauce and this soft drink. Anda dapat memasak Chicken wings cola menggunakan 7 bahan dan 5 langkah. Seperti ini cara membikinnya.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk membikin Chicken wings cola

  1. Siapkan 10 potong sayap ayam, cuci bersih, potong jadi 2.
  2. Anda membutuhkan 300 ml coca cola.
  3. Anda membutuhkan 1 sendok makan pasta tomat ato saos tomat.
  4. Siapkan 4 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
  5. Anda memerlukan 1 ruas jahe, geprek.
  6. Anda memerlukan secukupnya Garam, gula pasir dan merica.
  7. Anda membutuhkan Untuk yg suka pedas, boleh ditambah cabai bubuk ato saos sambel.

Coca Cola Chicken Wings are the ultimate sticky, finger-licking, game-time appetizer! I still can't I have seen the Coca Cola Chicken Wings recipe floating around for quite some time, but I've never. Unless you buy wings and drumettes already prepared, you'll You will be surprised at how truly crispy these wings are! Add the bay leaves and allspice berries.

Cara membuat Chicken wings cola

  1. Tumis bawang putih dgn sedikit minyak sampe harum..
  2. Masukkan sayap ayam, kemudian tambahkan saos tomat (dan saos sambal jika suka pedas). Aduk sampai tercampur..
  3. Tuangkan coca cola sampai seluruh ayam terendam..
  4. Masukkan jahe, gula pasir, garam dan lada bubuk..
  5. Cicipi rasa dan masak sampai ayam matang dan coca cola asat..

Chicken wings in a slightly sweet sauce. Good as an appetizer, or when paired with a side dish and salad. Coca-Cola chicken is a popular Chinese dish which has been made famous recently by Nigella We've used chicken wings which are inexpensive to buy and so good to nibble on in front of the TV. Then, add cola and the remainder of the cooking. Coca-Cola Chicken Wings (可乐鸡翅), is a classic Chinese recipe where Coke is used as the base of the simmering sauce, which not only tenderises but also cameralises the chicken wings.